12 July 2009

2009/2010 1st General Meeting

Music Club 2009/2010 1st General Meeting was held on 26 June 2009. Quite a lot of members attended the meeting, welcome to the new members and nice to meet again to our old members.

The new Chairperson of PJ Campus Music Club, Phooi Loo Peng gave us a short welcoming speech and briefly introduce our club to all of the members. Some ice-breaking games were played during the meeting to let our members know each others. At the last period, registration for interview section of the up-coming events, UTAR IDOL Singing Competition 2010 and Musical Prom Night were conducted, the response was quite good. Registration for the Weekly Instrument Training were conducted too.

During the general meeting ......
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

This is the creative of our members, they drawn the symbol of music by their imagination on the white board, lolz...

Some of the winners for our last game...
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

And finally thanks to our committee members for making the meeting success, the emcees for the meeting, Grace Goh(2nd row 1st from the left) and Choon Lin(2nd row 3rd from the right)...

03 April 2009

UTAR IDOL Singing Competition 2009 Finale

Inter-faculty UTAR IDOL Singing Competition 2009 Finale was successfully held on 22 March 2009 at FICT. Thanks to all of you that come support us !

11 finalists were very good in singing as well as other talents. They performed 1 duet song and 1 solo song each. Unfortunately, Willie was unable to participate due to personal reason. 3 judges from outside were invited to judge our finalists.

Our judges: Ian Tee, Guess Yang and Winnie Hoh Judges

Our event started with opening speech by Chairperson, Alvin Soh Chairperson

and follow by opening ceremony
all finalists with the song "I Believe I Can Fly" Opening Ceremony

The Competition began with duet songs where 2 finalists will sing together.

Li Ren and Su Mei - "制造浪漫" Li Ren and Su Mei

Sam and Aisyah - "I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You" Sam and Aisyah

Yon Lynn and Yee Xin - "When You Believe" Yon Lynn and Yee Xin

Guan Han and Mike - "Kau Ilhamku" Guan Han and Mike

Ken and Huey Yi - "草戒指" Ken and Huey Yi

Kean Chye and Kok Joo(replace Willie) - "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" Kean Chye and Kok Joo

Solo Songs
Yee Xin - "自己" Yee Xin Sam - "Berhenti Berharap" Sam
Huey Yi - "Promise Me" Huey Yi Mike - "I'm Yours" Mike
Aisyah - "I Will Always Love You" Aisyah Su Mei - "Whenever, Wherever" Su Mei
Ken - "那首歌" Ken Li Ren - "恋上另一个人" Li Ren
Kean Chye - "唯一" Kean Chye Yon Lynn - "Loving You" Yon Lynn
Guan Han - Remix Song of "编号89757" and "一支独秀" Guan Han

Our special performances while waiting for the final results...

Dance by Joshua and Amos Dance

"Hero" by Kok Joo and Yeni Kok Joo and Yeni

"One Rock'n Roll Too Many" by Kok Joo and Mike with his guitar Kok Joo and Mike

"Run" by Kok Joo and all the finalists Kok Joo and all the finalists

Time to announce the winners

Top 6 from the finalists
(Mike, Su Mei, Aisyah, Yee Xin, Kean Chye and Yon Lynn) Top 6

Our Top 3 !!! Top 3

2nd runner up goes to Yon Lynn from FCI 2nd runner up

1st runner up goes to Mike from FICT 1st runner up

and finally, our UTAR IDOL 2009 was Loh Yee Xin from FCI UTAR IDOL 2009 !!!

Song performance by Yee Xin once again Yee Xin

Other nice photo

Finalists gathered to take a photo after the event finalists


The Handsome and Pretty Emcees, Daniel and Samantha Daniel and Samantha

The souvenir for the finalists souvenirsouvenir

All of the finalists for Inter-faculty UTAR IDOL Singing Competition 2009 Photobucket

Have some more photo you wish to share with us? You may contact Andy Ng...

For more information, please click here

10 February 2009

Here We Are! UTAR IDOL 2009!

It's this time again to search for the next UTAR IDOL!

We had our first audition on January 21, 2009 and it was fabulous thanks to you guys!

Wished you had the chance to cast your votes to choose your favorite finalists to be the next UTAR IDOL?
Well, here's your chance, so listen up, the second audition will be held on February 13, 2009 (Friday) and guess what? 20% of the individual marks depends on your votes!

What are you waiting for?
Grab the tickets now from the UTAR IDOL booth at PJ campus, PD Foyer or just email us your name and ID to utar_idol@yahoo.com.my.

For more information, please visit http://www.utar-idol2009.blogspot.com.

Want to see our finale photo? Please click here.

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